Sunday, July 1, 2012

Days 11 & 12

Day 11

I'll try to make this update shorter since I'm exhausted and all I want to do is curl up on the couch and watch nonsense television before passing out.

Today Ethan had his Day 10 culture. We should have preliminary results by Saturday and final results by Monday or Tuesday. So the good news is we could be out of the hospital as early as Monday if we get a negative result on Monday. We are so ready to come home and all be under one roof again.

Ken, Ethan & I enjoyed playing outside today for about 45 minutes. We brought a ball outside today so the boys kicked and threw the ball around.

When we got back Ethan had a short visit with his cousins, Bri Bri, Ella & Judah. All they seemed to want to do was play with his toys and eat his food. Haha. He had a great time seeing them, even when 14 month old Judah hit Ethan in the head with a plastic truck. Ethan held it in for a couple minutes while staring at the floor, but eventually burst into tears. He was trying to be a tough guy.

After nap Ethan had a visit from his Grandpa & his Grammy came to spend the night with him. We're hoping this is our last weekend in the hospital so we can stop this madness of driving 25 minutes each way every day. It's really wearing on all of us.

Day 12

Ethan is still in good spirits. He slept from 10pm to 8am!!! We got him to eat a piece of butter & jelly toast this morning...a small victory! He also ate a pb&j sandwich tonight! Though he's not eating well at meals, and really only snacking, he's managed to gain a little bit of weight. I don't know how, but it's good news.

We saw one of his pulmonologists today, as we do everyday. His lungs still sound good as they have the whole time we've been in the hospital. We went over the plan again and are hoping for the preliminary results of the culture to come in tomorrow.

I think overall Ethan is having a positive experience in the hospital and sadly has accepted it as everyday life. We know that over the years we'll really get to know the staff since we most likely will be hospitalized once a year for a tune-up.

I am physically drained, tired, and ready for this to be over. We try to stay as positive as we can to make everything pass more smoothly.

Today I went home when Ethan went down for his nap since I had a migraine. Now I'm sitting here with nobody to take care of and missing my boys. Tomorrow can't come fast enough. I miss waking up and having Ken bring Ethan across the hall to cuddle in our bed each morning and hearing his sweet voice say "Hi Mommy" then see him get off the bed and say "Sleep tight" and run off to get some books to read. He can't come home fast enough!

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