Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Apple Hill 2011

We went on our annual Apple Hill trip this past weekend. The weather was in the 80's and we left early. In fact, early enough that we had to wake Ethan to go.
First we headed to High Hill to look around the crafting booths and do some Christmas shopping. After we looked through all the crafts we took Ethan to play near the pond. He was very happy to get out of his stroller at that point.

Seeing an airplane with Daddy.

Next we drove to Boa Vista Orchards to buy some fresh fruit, veggies and apple cider. We also looked at the craft booths there. Ethan was getting tired at this point and wanted to go home.

The last stop on our trip was Abel's Acres. Ethan was a little bit happier, but still a grump.

Overall, it was a wonderful way to spend the morning. We will be back this time next year.

My talented kid

What's wrong with this picture?

Reading Corner

Our living room was getting cluttered with tons of books, so one Sunday morning Ken and I decided to head to IKEA to buy a bookcase. We were going to sand and paint an old bookcase that I had as a kid, but it turned out that was going to cost us the same amount of money. We ended up getting something that was wider and taller.

Now Ethan can sit down in his beanbag chair and read. Lately, he's been taking down almost all of the books and reading some. He's not quite liking cleaning up, but we'll work on that. He loves books! He likes to take them into the kitchen and he puts his favorites in his special drawer for later. It's funny because sometimes he will wait 2 days before going back to find his special book. I'm glad he's such a great reader. Now if we can only get him to talk a little bit more.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Clinic Update

We went to clinic on Wednesday to see Ethan's team. Overall, it went very well. Ethan had only gained 1.4 oz in a month, but he still gained and held steady in weight so they were happy. He gained an inch in height! He's a little guy. He's in the 25th percentile for height for his age and 30th percentile for weight. Those are both still considered good since that follows his natural progression on the curve. I guess at some point his pediatrician was worried about the size of his head, but now it's slowed down.

We met with his pulmonologist and discussed how hard it has been to get Ethan's Creon (enzymes) into him at meals and snacks. For those you that don't know he needs the enzymes to help him digest his food. Without them or without enough of them he will lose weight and it will cause his stomach to hurt badly from have digestive problems. Dr. P said that we should work towards getting him to swallow the capsules by the time he's 2. That amazed me, since I can't imagine him doing that until he's closer to 3 or 4. We'll see in a few months if he's capable of it. For now, we continue to struggle with getting the enzymes down and getting him to eat more table food. He's a very picky eater and sometimes he won't even eat what we know he likes. The doctor says it's normal for kids his age to be picky. He basically drinks his calories. We know he's getting enough at this point because of the weight gain.

We went over his bloodwork. Thankfully he wasn't anemic. That came as a shock to me since he won't eat meat. I guess he's eating something that's helping with that. His Vitamin A levels were high so they will monitor that and retest in 6 months. Overall his blood tests looked good. They took a lot of blood for his yearly tests 3 weeks ago.

Dr. P decided to increase his enzymes to 17 Creon 6's instead of 14. The hope is that it will help him gain weight. We will be constantly be changing up his meds as time goes on to see how that helps him. For now, they have been increased and as long as we can get them down him we're hoping for weight gain over the next month. A weight check was ordered for October 12th.

We met with the new social worker for the CF Clinic. She was very nice. We don't have much of a need for a social worker at this time because emotionally, financially and physically we are all doing well. It's nice to know there's one there for us if we need something.

The dietician was out for the day so we didn't get to speak with her but it was okay since we didn't have any questions for her.

We're all set to go back for another CF Clinic in 3 months. Ethan's doing pretty well. He hasn't cultured pseudomonas which is great! We just got his cultures back from clinic. Everything looks good, but one thing that I'm not sure about. I'll update the blog when I know something.

It's been a long time

I can't believe that I haven't blogged about something in 2 weeks. Ethan did a lot of cute things in August and I never posted them so here's a recap.

Ethan checking out the tupperware situation. It looked like he couldn't find the one he was looking for.

Ethan & Daddy blowing up the swimming pool and enjoying playing in it.

Hanging out on his beanbag watching tv.

Enjoying some time with Nana.


Wearing CF bracelets as earrings.

Ethan playing with his best bud, Grant.

We had a fun August. We celebrated my sister, Kristin's birthday and my niece Brianna's birthday. We spent time in the backyard playing in the pool and water table and took a lot of walks.

I'll try to be better about blogging as I take photos. I know it's not as much fun to read when it's a string of photos.