For Christmas this year we spent Christmas Eve day at home. Ken had to work for most of the day and I had the day off with Ethan. We went to the Christmas Eve service that night and Ethan behaved better than I expected. He did screech once but who wouldn't want to check out the acoustics ;)
Christmas morning Ken and I decided that we would spent the first part of the morning just the three of us. We opened up all 3 gifts we and Santa had given Ethan. From Santa Ethan got a tunnel and tent to play in. We figure we'll keep that in it's box until he's crawling (more of an update on that later).

Ethan seemed to be more into the tissue paper and the boxes which we expected. I still wanted to get him gifts though. He also received pj's and a little dog that he can pull behind him once he starts walking.
Ken received Superman pajama bottoms, a new 49er shirt and a 49er trivia calendar.

Ken surprised me with a massage. For my birthday he got me a facial at my favorite place so I'll be feeling very pampered in January.
After having a nice quiet Christmas in the early morning (about 8am) we headed over to my sister's for our annual brunch and opening presents.

We had a great time and brunch was french toast bake, bagels and an egg dish. All were yummy!!!
The day after Christmas we headed to Ken's Granner's house for Christmas with them. We started with presents since we knew Ethan would need a nap soon.

Ethan with Grandpa & the present Grandpa specially picked out for him. A ride on train that he can separate and push too!

Ethan & Elf Grammy

Ethan received a Strawberry Shortcake book from Uncle Tim. Ken was not very pleased.

Ethan with his new Superman & Batman pj's.
We had a terrific Christmas this year! Thank you everyone who made it so wonderful. Ethan's 1st Christmas was a success. I look forward to next year when he is a little more into opening presents. We didn't manage to get a Christmas photo of all of us this year.