Sunday, January 2, 2011

Crawling Update

He's getting closer to crawling!!! Now Ethan can pull himself to his knees wherever he is. He used to only be able to do this when he was next to the couch or the gate. As strange as it sounds he finally rolled from his back to his belly a few days ago. Now if he's on his back within seconds he's back to his belly.
Over the weekend Ethan got on all fours and starting rocking some. He seems to be liking being on his belly more than before. He still would rather be sitting than to be on his belly.
A few mornings ago Ken's mom found him on his belly in the morning which never happens and now he has started rolling to his stomach when it's time to go to bed and screams until he figures out how to roll himself back over. He seems to have forgotten how to roll the other way now. I'm trying to let him be and watch him as he does new things everyday.
He also loves to stand. He's getting more confident and even can hold onto the back of the couch with some leverage on the couch for a few seconds at a time. His legs are very strong. He just needs to figure out how to balance. When you go to sit him down he keeps his legs flat so you can't put him down. His feet are also now moving as we walk around the room. It's exciting to watch the little changes he makes each day. We may be seeing him walk before he crawls, but I really hope he crawls first.
We go in on Tuesday for his next Synagis shot and Wednesday for clinic with his team. He started having a wet cough and a little bit of wheezing on Friday so we started nebulizers in hopes that it will go away on its own. It appears to be working. He doesn't look sick at all. He just has a nasty cough. More of an update after clinic. I'm guessing he'll be closer to 23 lbs at clinic. A month ago he was 21 lbs 11.5oz.

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