Sunday, May 19, 2013

Fatten him up

In our quest to fatten Ethan up I have been given smoothie and shake recipes that are anywhere from 500 calories to almost 1100 calories. I hope this works since he hasn't gained weight in over a year. The doctors and dietician aren't concerned since his weight to height ratio is still over 50% at 57%, but I am. In the last several weeks Ethan has gone from eating a very good breakfast and so-so lunch and dinner, to not wanting to eat very much at all.

I called the dietician last week to see if we could do anything and she sent me the recipes. They are really tasty. I have to try to stay away from them, but fortunately Ethan loves them.

Here's my favorite and it's 1070 calories and 23 grams of protein. This recipe makes an 8 oz glass.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Shake
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
3 tablespoons creamy peanut butter
3 tablespoons chocolate syrup
1 1/2 cups chocolate ice cream

YUMMY!!! I hope he keeps this up. We are told he needs about 1425 calories a day, so with this, mediocre meals and some milk he should be right where he needs to be. We can only give him this particular shake once a week so it doesn't make his liver enzymes rise. Oh, the joys of remembering everything as a CF Mom.

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