Thursday, September 27, 2012

What Ethan's been saying lately...

Ethan is a big talker which comes as no surprise given that I talk a lot! In the last couple months is vocabulary and sentences have taken off. Everyday he says something new. For a while it was the same sentences and words over and over and now his vocabulary has grown so much that he's able to hold a real conversation and we can usually understand about half of it, sometimes more or less.

Here's what he's been saying in August & September.

"Mommy Do", "Daddy Do" etc. - He uses this one a lot.  We recently started giving him choices so he likes to decide who will do what for him. It's been a blessing and a curse. Too many choices can be a bad thing :(

"Daddy chair" "Mommy chair" - He loves to tell everyone which chairs or seats on the couch are mommy and daddy's and he loves to steal spots too.

"Wanna read?" "Read Mommy"

"Sit in Daddy's spot" - He especially loves daddy's spot in bed when we read stories at night. He doesn't even want to share it with Ken.

"You are my sunshine" - He loves to sing this song. I've been singing it to him since he was a baby and now he occasionally will sing it to Lila.  This is our song. He hardly ever asks Ken to sing it.

"Daddy wanna play too?" - He starts to play then looks at Ken at his desk and asks this all the time so sweetly. It's hard to say no.

"I thirsty" - It's so nice that he can now tell us when he's hungry or thirsty in words, not gestures.

"Again?" - This he says over and over again.

"Fart" He tooted one day and said, "Fart". It caught me off guard because I didn't know when he'd heard us say fart instead of toot.

"Shoo fly" He calls all flies shoo flies. It sounds a little like fruit flies. He's fascinated by them and he leaves the sliding door open frequently so we usually have one or two in the kitchen.

"Doctor" vs. "Copter" - These both sound the same. They sound more like doctor. It's only confusing when he puts these words with something else. Like when he says "Copter shirt" it sounds like "Doctor hurt". He said this to his doctor a few weeks ago and I had to interpret what he really said.

"Ammy" - He can finally say Grammy (Ken's mom) instead of calling her Mommy.

"Creon" vs "crayon" - They sound alike. He now reminds us sometimes to take his Creon (enzymes) before meals. 

"This is fun!" - This was fun to hear for the first time as he played with Grammy.

"I tall" - One day he stood on Grammy's legs and said "I tall". It caught me off guard because I didn't know he knew what tall was let alone could demonstrate what it was.

"1,2,3...8,9.10" The numbers in between are a little fuzzy, but he seems to knoe which of these comes next. He even added 11 a few days ago.

"I wanna play" - He constantly is telling us he wants to play when it's time to go to bed, eat dinner, etc.

"Tummy hurts" - He told us the other day that his tummy hurt and cuddled up on one of us for awhile until it stopped hurts. It's nice that he can tell us that he hurts and where.

"Mommy...Doctor? Baby okay?" Last week before my OB appointment I told him that I was going to see the doctor to check on the baby and when I came home he asked me if the baby was okay. It's amazing what he picks up and that he wanted to check back in for an update.

"Shuttle?" The shuttle flew over Sacramento last week and Ken made a video of it. Ethan saw it on the news in the morning. Grammy explained that it was an airplane with a shuttle on top. We didn't talk about it the rest of the day and when he saw Ken's video we asked him what was on top and he said "Shuttle"

"It say Ethan Dean" - He loves to hand Ken's credit card to the cashier at Costco. Last weekend Ken wanted it back since Ethan was bending it. I explained that it said Ken Dean on it so it was daddy's and Ethan's response was "It say Ethan Dean". I don't know how he came up with that one.

He loves to make everything "Ethan's" - He will say "Ethan's car" "Ethan's toys", etc. Ethan sounds a lot like E.T. which is hilarious.

I know this a lot to post about but it's amazing how much his vocabulary has grown. I look forward to seeing how he's talking over the next few months :)


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