We spent Thanksgiving with Ken's family this year up in Cameron Park. It was a very relaxed day and we had a lot of fun. Ethan loved to run around their house and go up and down the one step going from the entryway to the living room. He mastered that skill that day and we no longer worry about him falling down that step.
Before we headed up the hill for Thanksgiving Ethan had a good time getting off and on the ottoman in the living room. This was the first time he'd figured out how to do that and he was very proud of himself. He does try to stand on it from time to time so we have to watch him, but he's mastered it.

Thanksgiving Day!

Posing with Grammy

Reading with Grammy
This year we are very thankful for Ethan's continued health. He has cultured anything that we need to be concerned about at clinics and he's stayed relatively healthy. He has a cold right now that is pretty nasty. We're hoping it is gone by the weekend. It's been 4 months since he was last sick!!!