Over the summer a friend of mine from high school named Melissa and I started hanging out. Her son was about 10 months old at the time. After our first get together we decided to start meeting once a week for a play date. We joked that we were a playgroup, even though we weren't really "group".
During this time, I became friends with my neighbor 3 doors down who also had a 10 month old at the time. We started walking together every morning.
Fast forward to a couple weeks ago. Melissa and I started talking about who else we could invite to our "playgroup". We really wanted it to grow so we'd have more friends to talk to and more kids for our boys to play with. The next week I invited Katie, her son, Grant and new baby, Emily to play with us. We had a great time. Here are the pictures from our 1st official playgroup.

Max & Ethan (almost 1!)

Melissa's little boy, Max (16 months, now 17 months)

Katie's son, Grant (16 months)

The only one of all 3 boys.

Ethan playing in his new tunnel from Mom & Dad.

Ethan reading with Melissa.
The next week we planned to go to Katie's house since she had more space than me. She ended up inviting one friend with a 2 yr old and an almost 1 yr old and a friend with a 16 or 17 mos old. Melissa invited one friend from Gymboree and her daughter who was 18 mos. In the end, there were 6 moms and 8 kids. Most of the kids were between 16 and 18 month old. We had so much fun and it wasn't really as crazy as I thought it would be. The kids got along really well.
We have talked about starting a weekly playgroup on Wednesdays. It was so nice to talk to all these moms. It was great to get some ideas from other moms and to just get out of the house and have someone to talk to. It's hard being home all day with no one but the baby to talk to.
I'll update about the playgroup as time goes on. I think it's going to be a great playgroup especially as it gets nicer outside. We're already planning trips to the Zoo & the Railroad Museum. It's a great to be apart of something.